The Lazy Daisy is a special place created for a very special reason …
The Story of The Lazy Daisy 
Hi Everyone! I would like to take a minute to express my gratitude and appreciation for something very special to me. I am blessed to share the story behind The Lazy Daisy. In 2011 the very first Daisy was opened. This was on a total whim and a complete leap of faith for me. I never imagined it would turn into what it has today.
In August 2011 my life was changed forever in an instant. My precious son Morgan was tragically killed at seven years old. Morgan and his father, Scott, were victims of pointless violence. A total stranger took their lives. I went from having a perfect life, so full of love and laughter, hectic, busy days full of working, running, typical fun family chaos to NOTHING. A complete stand still. NOTHING MATTERED. I lost everything. My home, my pets, I left my job. I hit rock bottom.
One day, I was driving thru Chester as I have done a million times before and the same building that I had passed every day for so long caught my attention. The sign in the window FOR LEASE stood out like a bright light to me. NEVER had I even thought of opening a store. But now, it hit me that this is what I wanted to do. I called the number on the sign and the landlord came out and met me right away. Right then. I explained that I had nothing and wanted to do this and he gave me that chance. I called my mom and said “what do you think about me opening a store?” She said what kind of store? I said I don’t know.. a country gift store.. with pretty things and painted furniture?! She said, “You should do it!!” We quickly started painting walls and gathering goodies and had lots of Christmas trees and ornaments (since it was so close to Christmas) and filled the small store to the brim!! It was my calling!! I absolutely dove into creating this store, 24/7, consuming myself with it. IT WAS MY THERAPY. My survival.
It wasn’t long before a customer asked me if I would consider renting our a small space, maybe a wall to an artist. I thought, Wow!! How cool would that be!!? I didn’t know or never even thought that maybe other people would want to do that!! So I did! I rented a small space and had a vendor!! Before I knew it I rented the upstairs of the Chester Daisy and each room was a new awesome variety filled with treasures by vendors! Then I expanded to the downstairs where my amazing husband John (AKA Mr. Daisy) built walls and we created many more vendor spaces! Expanded three more times at that location and decided to grow and open a second store in Midlothian! I couldn’t believe it!! Just this simple idea to create a happy place had turned into something so remarkable! A year and a half later we opened our THIRD location in Short Pump, a FOURTH location in Williamsburg in 2017, a FIFTH location in Mechanicsville in 2018, a SIX location in Fredericksburg in early 2020, a SEVENTH location off Hull Street in late 2020, a EIGHTH location in Leesburg late 2021, and lastly our NINTH location in Yorktown opened in late 2022!!
Our Logo
Not too long after the Daisy opened, I had the most beautiful gift created and given to me … a new logo for the store. This logo that John created is so special and dear my heart. It is an actual photo of Morgan blowing a dandelion in a field of daisies We have made it our mission to put that sweet face on as many things as we can and make sure his legacy lives on thru the Daisy. The Daisy is so full of love and inspiration felt by so many. It has TRULY changed lives
Every vendor at the Daisy is so special and unique and have so many stories to tell themselves about how this special store has changed their lives. I will NEVER give anything less that 100% of myself to this. This is my life and I will work tirelessly to continue to make it grow
Thank you for taking the time to read this .. I know it was long winded, but I could go on and on Love you guys xoxoxo ~ Michelle
Wow, what an inspiration, makes me want to better, do good, be the good
Good Bless your soul❤
My daughter in law told me about The Lazy Daisy tonight at dinner. Of course I e-mailed a friend and
said we need to ride out there one day when we are running out to have lunch. Then I decided to look
of the website and you have such a beautiful story to share. I look forward to visiting your shop at
Short Pump very soon. I am so sorry to hear about you losing your husband and son but girlfriend you have been blessed to have a new passion.
Hi Michelle,
My name is Tom Culpepper. I am a carpenter/contractor and I build furniture. I am getting to old to continue doing carpentry work on folks homes and would love to just stay in my shop and build my pieces of furniture. However, I need a place to put the pieces I build where the public will see it and want to purchase it. What is involved in renting one of your small spaces?
Thank you for the information. Tom. (I have a facebook page at Thomas Culpepper where I show off the pictures of the projects I have done.)
I just visited the Lazy Daisy, I’ve been meaning to since moving to the area 6 months ago but never had the time to really take my time with it. Today I did and it is filled with so much care. I felt it. I had no intention while making the visit, just curiosity. I did find a little something for my friends newborn son. And now here I am, reading your story. Your story will be touching so many, this little gem I found will travel to the west coast and your story will touch a new mom, as it touched me. Thank you for sharing. 🤍
I have never gone in a store that I felt so much love, kindness, happiness and caring that I did in your Lazy Daisy Store in Williamsburg. From the moment you answered the phone to give me directions, til I arrived, I knew I found a place I wanted to shop in. Thank you Michelle !!!
Hi Michelle:) I had lunch with a friend yesterday, and she told me about your tragic story and the love that you have created out of it. As a parent of two beautiful, young ladies, I cannot imagine the heart wrenching loss of either one of them. Your strength and what you have made from this, is beyond admirable. I am new to the Mineral area, and I am so happy to hear about the news of your 4 locations and the goodies that they store. I am a handmade business owner myself and have been on the verge of yet again, deciding where I could market my wares. I’m anxious to visit your stores, I believe Short Pump would be the closest, and to further talk with you about possibly being part of “your story.” Best of love and continued success!! I look forward to hearing from you!
Your story is beautiful. I’m sure you help brighten a lot of people’s lives through your stores.
Your store has become one of my aunts favorites. She’s a woman who has everything and needs nothing she very generous to so many people in need. Her birthday is coming up and I would like to know how I can send her a gift card since I’m in PA.
Thank you for sharing your story to the world I pray God continues to bless you. When I’m in town I’ll make sure my Aunt brings me.
This broke my heart! I am so very sorry for your loss, I can’t even imagine!! I’ve heard so much about your store and can’t wait to visit! I wish you continued success xxx
I know that you hear this so very often but your story is an inspiration. Its is amazing how God works. Just when it seems like all is lost. He opens up doors that help us inspire others, He makes a way when we can not see one and He redirect our paths for his good.
I stumbled across this passion for creating beautiful things during a life change. The opportunity to live abroad came about in the heat of a booming career that I thought I wanted (I had worked so hard for it over the past 8 years), I was a fairly new Glamma (I am too cute to be called Grandma) and I had 30 years worth of family and friends tied to my life here.
That 26 months living abroad forever changed me. The events that lead up to that move and the first year there were the catalysts of me becoming the me that God intended me to be – as corny as that sounds I believe in down to the tips of my toes. I then stumbled across your store by accident. In moments of frustration, I was going to chuck the idea of opening up my own home decor store. I spent the last 18 months abroad registering the business name, building the concept, etc only to come back to the States overwhelmed. I was ready to throw out all of my ideas and work. And then I found out about your company and fell in love.
My story is long but I just wanted you to know that God is so very good. (I don’t mean to offend regarding my religious references but it is just what I feel and believe.
J. Terry Brown
Michelle, how can we open a franchise of your store?
I love how you created your store out of something tragic I know the feeling I lost my nephew many years ago in a terrible accident he was only 5 at the time. I am looking forward to coming to the Lazy Daisy in Williamsburg on Sunday afternoon.
WOW! Such a “heartfelt” story…..YOU ARE AMAZING, Michelle!!!! I went to the Yorktown Festival on Saturday and received the Lazy Daisy Brochure. My friend and I would like to come to Williamsburg soon and visit your store….TAKE CARE…..HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON!!!!!!!!!
Marleen Press
WOW. This really affected me. I know your family is proud of you.
Weird that I found your store because my family lost everything we owned in Hurricane Isabel. We’ve drifted all over the US since then. We are looking just now at getting a home back together and maybe returning to Virginia to heal a little of what we lost. It’s more than stuff. It’s dignity and trust and love that everyone must re-discover after tragedy.
I know what it’s like to hit rock bottom but I always had my kids. I cannot imagine your suffering. You have my heart-filled thoughts.
You are an inspiration. God Bless you🙏 Moving to Richmond at the end of next month from CA and I am so excited to shop at your store for treasures. Have a great night!
We came into your store by accident last week, my son lives Williamsburg and he had to pick up golf clubs next door do we popped into your store and instantly feel
In love. We bought a beautiful piece and spoke with you briefly (we are from New York) and asked if you ship items… if you where closer your store would be dangerous lol we loved your store and the kindness you and your staff exude… beautiful store.
We moved to Williamsburg a few months ago. My wife and I thought we went to every store in Williamsburg looking for things for our new house. Then we stumbled on your wonderful store. What a treasure and at the same time sad story. We are both so sorry for the tragic events that have happened to you.
Now my only problem with your store is that I am worried my wife is going to bankrupt us purchasing the wonderful things you sell.
Just saw in the newspaper today that you are opening up a store in Mechanicsville. I have never heard of The Lazy Daisy Country Gift Store. When I saw the words daisy and country it caught my attention because I love them both. I picked up my phone and did a google search and here I am. I can hardly wait to visit!! Places like this always warm my heart and feel like a big hug the moment I walk through the door.
Your story did the same. I am so glad that God has been blessing you so much! I know that He will continue to bless you as long as you give Him the glory. Take care and I will see you soon.
Thinking about you and wishing you all the best for your NEW store in Mechanicsville!
I knew your Daisy was special but after reading your story I know why! I am having a hard time writing this as the tears will not stop! These stores must reflect the love in your heart and I am touched!
Just visited your Mechanicsville store for the first time today. Very nice merchandise! I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I can’t imagine what you endured. I am so glad you took the worst and transformed it to the best. I know it takes time to heal from such a tragic loss. I admire your strength of spirit and enduring love for your lost loved ones. May God bless you endlessly in your endeavors.
My name is Tina, I am a longtime, faithful customer! I never knew the story behind the owner or the store until now, WOW how inspiring it truly is! Thank you for sharing❤
Your story is inspirational, I am glad you found your true calling in something as fun as your store. I know what it’s like to live a day to day grind and to take a leap of faith like you did is something to be proud of. I am so sorry for your loss, you can find peace knowing he’s in God’s hands. God bless you.
I love your store in a Williamsburg… but more than anything, your story is quite moving. God Bless.
Just heard about your store from a coworker after my supervisor commented on the earrings she was wearing. Think I msy have passed by the Chester store…will definitely be stopping in at Chester or Midlothian. Thank you for sharing your story.
WOW! Your story is so powerful. I visited your new Fredericksburg store today. I’m headed to Short Pump on Friday. Wishing you every success today and in the future.
Visited your store today and it was like walking through Etsy and Pinterest combined!! I love the store and see all the hard work and love that has gone in it! Thank you for your inspiration and drive. This definitely was meant to be!
I’m not sure if you’ll ever see this, but I just have to say “thank you” for spending so much time with me this morning in your Williamsburg store. Your kindness is beyond measure! You are the most gracious woman I have ever met. I shared with you that I moved here with my family almost two years ago and your store was one of the very first that I visited after getting settled. There is just “something” about your store – it does make me smile every single time I walk inside. The warmness – it is so inviting. Thank you for telling me about your son and what you’ve been through. I found the news video on the internet that you told me about. Wow – so powerful and so touching. I’ve wanted to meet you since the first time I shopped in your store. I had no intention of coming in there today; I was on my way home after getting allergy shots and something just pulled me into the parking lot……I’m so thankful for that “pull”. I wish you much happiness and success. God Bless.
I recently visited your store in Fredericksburg while visiting my sister. As I walked around the store I was taken in by not only the many different pieces of Art, the furniture pieces, but I could feel the love of what these artists do…and the gift you have given them to allow them to showcase what their true gift is! I was fortunate enough to speak with you briefly, sharing some photos of my Moss Wall Art hangings..offering me the chance to bring in a couple pieces, which I will, but I just wished to touch on this unique shop of the Vision you have given to all of us….Stay positive, Work hard, Make it happen…is what you are doing…I wish you all the best…and will see you soon…
visited your Fredericksburg store today and loved it.It is fantastic,all the things I love.It will be my new favorite store.Your story brought tears to my eyes,bless you.
My friend and neighbor told me about your sweet, “cottage” like store. I live in Fredericksburg and am so happy you are here too! My home is decorated coastal, but I can’t resist incorporating some of the shabby chic as well.
Your story of how you got started is heartbreaking. I am so happy for how you turned a tragedy into a positive. All the best.
Hi there, my husband and I found your Fredericksburg store by accident two weeks ago. We made our third trip there today! I love the pieces we have already bought. They add so much to our home. I love that we are supporting local artists, especially during these difficult times, and am so inspired by your story. We can’t wait to go back to our new favorite store and find even more unique pieces for our home!
Hello and Happy November! I just read your story and while I was so sad to read of your loss, I could not be more thrilled to know you found love again and a way to honor your son. You are an amazing woman! I cannot wait to visit one of your stores. Take care. Barbara
I have been visiting your store(s) in Chester, Midlothian and Short Pump for several years.
I decided to check out your new location on Hull Street last week and was blown away by the size of the space and the number of beautiful items you carry there as well as all of the other locations.
An added bonus it that it’s only about 15 minutes from my home! 🙂
Michelle, I truly believe that the Lord is with you and He will continue to be, at every step of your journey.
Congratulations on the new location…Blessings!
The Hull Street LazyDaisy was the first shabby chic store I found when I moved into Brandermill in late October. I fell in love instantly and so did my sister (who was here from Florida helping me with my move-in). I made a purchase (a small table) on my first visit and several purchases since. Today (1/25/21) it was a small table lamp that shouted “take me home” so I did. I keep coming back to see what’s new. Can’t wait to visit the other locations to what fun & practical things I will find. Of course, I will be back to this location as often as I can.
Thank you for sharing your story Michelle. It is amaZing that you turned your grief into something so positive. You are an inspiration to many.
I am very excited to hear you will be coming to Leesburg in 2021! I look forward to shopping at The Lazy Daisy!
I just discovered your store in Fredericksburg and I absolutely love it. I just read your About Us and now I know why I love your store and I think that God lead me there. I just wanted to let you know that my heart goes out to you and I will keep you in my prayers. Thank you for sharing your personal story with us.
I am excited to visit the Williamsburg Store this weekend!!! I had never read your story but it may me cry…where God shuts one door, another one opens. I can’t wait to visit and thank you for opening your heart and soul to share your tremendous loss.
Best always,
Thank you ALL so very much. I LOVE reading these sweet reviews, receiving the kindest messages and getting to meet so many wonderful people each day in our special stores. This all means the world to me and I am forever grateful for the love and support shown each day. I hope you all know how appreciative we all are here.
xoxo ~ Michelle & all the Daisies xoxo
Hi Michelle,
My husband and I moved to Glen Allen, a year ago, after 35+ years in Boston. I discovered your store in Short Pump and really love it. You have helped furnish parts of our new home, and I also pop in every now and then just to browse and see what’s new.
It is inspiring to read how you came into the business and how it has played out. Thanks for sharing your great story.
I can’t even imagine enduring the tragedy that you’ve experienced, much less turning it into something beautiful and positive. I have not visited your store yet as someone just told me about your Fredericksburg location, but it’s definitely going to be on my list of stops the next time I’m in Fredericksburg! Hats off! You are an inspiration.
You are very brave and courageous! Congratulations on your success, vision and for inspiring others.
What an incredible story! Can’t wait to check out your Leesburg location!
I love Lazy Daisy I am in that store like twice a month, walking in there makes me smile and I love the country vibes it gives and don’t get me started with the clothes they have. Your story is amazing! Thank you for blessings us with your story and with Lazy Daisy.
I just read your story but have been shopping in your Short Pump store for about a year now, when I come in, I always feel so taken care of from your staff to the products in your store. As a person who has experienced grief and tragedy, although not losing a young child, I can feel the presence of calm and peace when I step thru the door.
Just went in today and picked up the cutest earrings!
You are in my heart.
Michelle, you continue to inspire so many all these years later! I know your family is so proud of you. Your store is my favorite place to shop!
Hello Michelle, “Mr Daisy” & Daisy staff-
A current vendor at the painted tree told us about your store and said it had a story. Wow – heartbreaking and exciting all in the same breath! I cannot wait to visit some of your stores as I start to travel to northern VA in the coming months!!! Congrats on your success & so many blessings for more!!!
Thank you for sharing your story!
I went to your new store in Kiln Creek today. I lost my grandfather when I was 13 , my brother and grandmother many years later within 32 hours of each other, my husband November 22,2021 and my mother in January 2022. Walking through your store brought back great memories of each of them. My other brother was with me and went home with a chair that reminded me so much of our grandfathers favorite recliner that I still have. I actually cried two times walking through your shop and went away wishing I had a bigger house to fill it with all the items I loved at that place. We are going to Williamsburg first thing tomorrow after returning to kiln creek to pick up one more item my best friend can’t live without. Thank you for bringing your love so close to my home-in more than one way!
Michelle, your story brought me to tears. I am a new vendor and when I was setting up today I overheard Kim telling the story behind The Lazy Daisy. So I had to come home a read your story, and I have no words. But what a beautiful start to your new season of life and I am so glad you took the chance to live out your dream! I am ever so grateful to be part of The Lazy Daisy in Yorktown!
Wowww! This was a beautiful story! The fact that this is your therapy means that much more to me! So sorry for your loss, but God opened up a store for you to thrive and shine. I know they’re so proud of you!
I am an absolute mess right now! About an hour before I walked into your store for the very first time, I was crying my eyes out because I was missing my brother who was taken away from us 3 years ago. I had been promising my girls for some time now to check out the store. The moment I walked in, I had an overwhelming sense of peace, and I never questioned why and how. But now I know, so thank you!
As a mommy of 4, I can only imagine the pain you and your husband must have felt. I have been in the Yorktown location a few times now with my daughters, and we absolutely love it! My oldest daughter loves to crochet and has been begging for me to allow her to sell her items. After reading this story, I am taking this as a sign to let her live out her dreams because tomorrow is never promised. You are both extremely strong and have truly inspired me to look at life in a different light. Thank you for being a bright light to others. Your grace and strength will never go unnoticed.
I have been to your Mechanicsville store and I love it. I never knew your story until now. So special! I heard you are opening a location in Virginia Beach – can’t wait!
Wow! I just heard about your stores today and immediately visited your site. Such a touching story of beauty from ashes. Looking forward to visiting the Yorktown location SOON!